LibrarySearch Results: University of Manchester

4 books found

The Dutch-born English Baroque portrait painter Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) is chiefly known for his drowsy, sensual beauties and bewigged courtiers associated with the Restoration court of Charles II. He is often seen as merely successor or "imitator" of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641), with a common resemblance in ...

Technological cooperation is not only costly and time consuming, but also has a high attrition rate. Most literature on strategic cooperation focuses mainly on issues related to cooperation formation and the reasons why firms form these cooperative partnerships. However, a successfully formed cooperation is not always ...

Generally, construction of dams is regarded as means of economic progress in many countries. However, major consequences of such projects are the inundation of upstream areas and the resettlement of entire communities in newly built environments where they experience dramatic transformation in their lifestyles. The ...

Multicarrier Modulation (MCM) has significant features over Single Carrier Modulation (SCM). Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a special form of Multicarrier Modulation with its key feature of Orthogonality. Along with the several advantages of MCM or specifically OFDM, it has some drawbacks, too, ...